Liquid Strategies Insights & Commentary

What is the role of bonds in today’s portfolio?

Author: Justin Boller


The traditional role of bonds in a diversified portfolio has changed. Historically, bonds served a dual role of providing steady income while also offsetting the volatility that comes from owning stocks. With the Federal Reserve holding interest rates near 0% for the foreseeable future, the income story has almost completely evaporated. With income off the table, is it prudent to still own bonds?

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Topics: Fixed Income, bonds

Navigating Uncertainty in Fixed Income

Author: Justin Boller

The Federal Reserve has indicated both through their actions (lowering the Fed Funds Rate three times in 2019) and through their commentary that they intend to keep rates relatively low in the near-medium term. While this is intended to be accommodating to the economy, it poses a challenge for institutions and individuals seeking to generate distributive income through their investments.

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Topics: Overlay, ETF, Fixed Income

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