Liquid Strategies Insights & Commentary

Times Like These

Author: Adam Stewart
Adam Stewart


As the great 21st century philosopher Dave Grohl says, “It’s times like these you learn to live again, it’s times like these you give and give again, it’s times like these you learn to love again, it’s time like these time and time again”.

It’s more important than ever to remember these words, to keep what is important in perspective, and to remember that as humans and Americans, we are a pretty resilient bunch.

We don’t know how long this will take or how bad it might get, but we do know the economy and the markets will eventually recover and that we’ll be better prepared to manage a similar crisis the next time around. In that time of recovery there will be opportunities for prudent, risk managed approaches to generate positive investment results. Helping your fellow man and keeping your head about you will translate to better outcomes for all. Stay safe out there.



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The assertions and statements in this blog post are based on the opinions of the author and Liquid Strategies. The examples cited in this paper are based on hypothetical situations and should only be considered as examples of potential trading strategies. They do not take into consideration the impact that certain economic or market factors have on the decision making process. Past performance is no indication of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss. 

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