Liquid Strategies Insights & Commentary

Overlay Shares ETFs Cross $200 Million in Assets Since October Launch

Author: Megan Delaney
Megan Delaney


ATLANTA—February 18, 2020 —Liquid Strategies, the parent of Overlay Shares exchange-traded funds (ETFs), announced today the recently launched ETF “Ovals” have surpassed $200 million in assets under management since they began trading on the NYSE Arca in October. Access to overlay strategies has traditionally been reserved for ultra-high net worth individuals and institutions through separate accounts. Ovals are breaking down those barriers by packaging index ETFs with an active overlay focused on enhancing income into an easily accessible investment option for all investors.

The Overlay Shares ETF suite features five sought-after and highly liquid index ETFs with each strategy employing a disciplined risk-managed overlay strategy focused on generating tax-efficient income on top of underlying core ETF assets. Ovals can serve as core, standalone investment solutions, or as building blocks for combined asset allocation.

  • Overlay Shares Large Cap Equity ETF (ticker: OVL)
  • Overlay Shares Small Cap Equity ETF (ticker: OVS)
  • Overlay Shares Foreign Equity ETF (ticker: OVF)
  • Overlay Shares Core Bond ETF (ticker: OVB)
  • Overlay Shares Municipal Bond ETF (ticker: OVM)

“The rapid adoption of Ovals by advisors demonstrates the market’s strong desire for increased income without a meaningful change in risk,” said Brad Ball, CEO of Liquid Strategies and Overlay Shares.

For more information, please visit

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Before investing you should carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other information are in the prospectus, a copy of which may be obtained by visiting the Fund’s website ( Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest.

Foreside Fund Services, LLC, distributor.

Investments involve risk including the possible loss of principal. The Funds were recently organized and as a result, it has a limited track record on which to base an investment decision upon. The Funds invest in short term put options that derive their performance from the performance of the S&P 500 Index. Selling (writing) and buying options are speculative activities and entail greater than ordinary investment risks. The Fund could experience a loss or increased volatility in highly volatile market conditions or if the Fund is unable to purchase or liquidate a position to offset its costs or the amount of premium.

Topics: Overlay, ETF

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