Liquid Strategies Insights & Commentary

Get Outside

Author: Adam Stewart
Adam Stewart


If there’s one thing that being stuck inside proves, it’s that getting outside has never been more important. Being outside and experiencing your natural surroundings is critical for both mental and physical health.

With social restrictions beginning to ease, parks and other public facilities are starting to open back up. Whether you can hike a long scenic trail or simply take the dog for a walk around the block, just get outside. Even just some simple work out in the yard can do wonders after weeks indoors. 

Many states and municipalities are opening parks, and if you are lucky enough to live near a national park, you can check out this link for more information on their re-opening protocol Find a Park. Either way, get outside…and don’t forget to pick up something to eat from your favorite local restaurant, they’ll be glad to see you.


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The assertions and statements in this blog post are based on the opinions of the author and Liquid Strategies. The examples cited in this paper are based on hypothetical situations and should only be considered as examples of potential trading strategies. They do not take into consideration the impact that certain economic or market factors have on the decision making process. Past performance is no indication of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss. 

Topics: Overlay, Volatility

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