Liquid Strategies Insights & Commentary

Seriously, Get a Dog

Written by Adam Stewart | Jul 7, 2020 11:15:00 AM


I’ve either owned or been around dogs as long as I can remember. I’m fortunate enough to have two of the best dogs on the planet in my family now. Not only are they fun to have around, but they can have a serious positive impact on physical health and mental wellness.

If you have kids at home, there is nothing better than watching them develop life long memories with their best furry friend, while learning about responsibility through helping to care for another living thing. There are plenty of places to find great dogs just waiting become part of your family. 

And this isn’t just my opinion…it’s science…how can you argue with that? 

Have stress in your life? Check out this study.

Do you want to be happier?  Read this.

Want your kids to be better humans? Take a look at this.

Most importantly, dogs can improve your chances of finding that special someone…owning a dog makes you more attractive.

Here you can find the Humane Society of the United States…you’ll see plenty of resources to help you find your next pooch.

Whether you choose to know what you’re getting by buying from a breeder, finding a great pup at local shelter, or adopting a senior dog that deserves a great last few years, there is one dog (or a few) out there that can fill your life in ways you never thought possible. So seriously, get a dog.


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